

The Team of Professor Lei Guo and Professor Junwei Han

Since 2005, they have adopted international cooperation to carry out analysis of brain imaging studies and established a joint laboratory with Harvard University. They mainly engage in neurocognitive science, brain diseases, joint multi-modal analysis of magnetic resonance imaging. They have published more than forty international main-steam journals and over eighty top international conference papers as a team. This team has jointly trained six doctoral student(PHD) and the first one, named Li Gang, won 2012 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award Nomination. They pioneered the human brain high-precision computer network which is known as the “Brains GPS System”, established a new theory of cortical development, proposed bidirectional brain function and multimedia with the new direction that is highly recognized by international peers. From 2011 to 2012, they organized two international symposiums together in Northwestern Polytechnical University.

The Team of Professor Weiguo Liu

This team have carried out extensive exchanges and cooperation with lots of famous universities and scholars of France, Germany, Britain, the United States and many other countries. They have established collaboration with France Belfort - League Beria Technical University which has signed one cooperation agreement with the college of automation and three agreements with NWPU(2 +2,4 +2 Undergraduate Training Agreement). Professor Miraoui, the vice-chancellor of Belfort - League Beria Technical University, Professor David and many other renowned scholars have ever been invited to visit. Both sides exchange teachers for lecturing every five years(In 2012, Professor Weiguo Liu went to France to teach "Brushless DC Motor Principles and Applications" course; In 2013, Professor David lecture on "New Energy Technologies and Hydrogen Economy" course for the undergraduates of NWPU for one month).

Professor Gerling, the laboratory director of Federal Military University of Munich, Germany, and Professor Weiguo Liu employed each other as a visiting professor to give lectures every year and they have trained two doctoral students and one graduate student jointly in all.

Also, they establised a close contact with the electrical engineering major of Britain’s University of Sheffield, American University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin, University of Colorado and other renowned universities over the world. In 2009, the school of Electrical Engineering in NWPU welcomed its first batch of international undergraduate students.

Team Leading by Prof. Pan Quan

In recent years, they have carried out various forms of international cooperation and academic exchange activities.

International control areas American Academy of Engineering, double expatriate academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Academy of Engineering Prof. He Yuqi, chairman of the International Federation of Automatic Control Prof. Isidori, Academician of American Academy of Sciences Prof. Jams and dozens of leading scholars came to our university for exchange visits.

The chairman of Chinese Association of Automation academician Sun Youxian, the State Council Academic Appraisal Group of the control subjects Convenor Prof. Wu Qidi, academicians of Guo Lei, Wu Cheng, Huang Lin, Chen Runsheng, Ben De, Wu Hongxin and hundreds of well-known scholars came to our university for visits.

Took the charge of the first, second and third International Conference on Information Fusion Conference vice chairman, the first, second and fourth China Information Fusion Conference vice chairman, the Third China Information Fusion Conference chairman, the second airborne weapons testing and identification of academic annual meeting chairman.

Jointly trained five doctors with Harvard University, the University of Toulouse, University of Melbourne, University of New Orleans and other, jointly published by top international journals more than 20 papers in this field, lectures to the college more than 10 times, the joint organization for a number of international cooperation projects.

In 2007, established the "high-performance network-aware and computing" joint laboratory with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Team Leading by associate Prof. Wang Changqing and Prof. Wang Wei

Has made gratifying progress in cooperation with Russia and “Yinzhi Project”.

Executed cooperation for four times with Russia in “Yinzhi Project” by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. 8 short-term exchange experts. Prof. ISHKOV, Prof. DANILIN and associate professor FAEENKOV in Samara Aerospace University came to our college for exchange visits.

The introduction of foreign expert technical science Dr. Zabolotnov Yuriy who is the academician of Russian Academy of Astronautics and the navigation and motion control Academy of Sciences and Samara Aerospace University professor.

Two students went to Samara Aerospace University for PhD, and one has already returned.

In 2012, established the Sino-Russian International Space Tether Systems Research Center, organized Space Tether System Overall Technology Interchange Conference. Gained International Cooperation Ministry of Science and special projects for 4.26 million.